(206) 795-4279/(425) 745-3835
Specialties: Exterior House Painting, Finish Mill Work, High Volume Low Spraying Machine, House Painting, HVLP, Interior House Painting, Quality, Wood Staining
BL's Painting Co.
We Can Paint The Sky, You Just Pick The Color
» Free Estimates
» Quality Work
» We Have The
Experience &
» References
» No Up Front
» Your Choice For
Fast & Friendly
Quality Interior &
Exterior House
BL's Painting Co.
(206) 795-4279/(425) 745-3835
We Accept:
Money Orders & Personal Checks
Affiliations & Certifications:
Lic. # BLSPAC*044LO
Authorized Brands:
Benjamin Moore & Kelly-Moore
Our professionalism shines through our organization, which leads to a faster project finish, a greater amount of customer satisfaction, and a job well done. BL's Painting Co. provides premium wall coatings and finishes services in the Lynnwood, Washington area. These are some of the FAQs:
Do you require a down payment?
BL's Painting Company does not require a down payment on projects under $10000. Over that amount we ask for 20% down payment with your signed proposal to secure your place on the calendar.
Full payment upon completion of satisfactory JOB and we accept cash or check.
How long is an exterior paint job supposed to last?
The length of time an exterior job will last depends on many factors. If the siding is in good condition and has received quality surface preparation and painting work, you can expect a paint job to last between 5-7 years.
Why does the siding on my house have bubbles on them?
On homes that have had one or more bad paint jobs, problems will develop in the top coat of paint after a year or two of the last paint job. The tension and stress of the top coat of paint will often pull off the previous coating in areas that not properly adhered.
Call us today at (206) 795-4279 or (425) 745-3835.